Quality of Business Asian Paints has the highest profit margins when compared to its peers. It is working at 20% net profit as of March21 as compared to 14% of Berger Paints. The contribution to the profit pool is 4 times the Berger paints and 2 times of the top 5 listed companies in this industry. Return on investment is 24% of Asian paints as compared to 21% of Berger paints. Revenue has been growing at a CAGR of 8.9% as compared to 9.5% for Berger paints and Operating margin at 20% as compared to 16.5% for Berger paints in the past 3 years. Asian Paints having a COGS of 78% with decreasing trend every year of 1% as compared to 83% of Berger paints with average being maintained at 83%, no doubt is going to increase profit at the same pace. Along with this, international business is 4 times that of Berger paints contributing 11% to total sales as compared to 7% for Berger paints. On the other hand, Berger paints have 20% sales coming from Industrial Coatings while Asian paints h...